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История болезни





Points 1.0

TypeASP.NET MVC Application

Technologies.NET Web API, Azure SQL, Azure Storage

DescriptionThis E-learning Web application is written for teachers and students of Five-Star Academy. Teachers create courses, filling them with different content: documents, video files, etc.. Students consistently study modules and communicate within classes, and at the end of the course they receive a mark of completion.

Points 2.0

TypeSPA Real-time Web Application

TechnologiesKnockout.js, .NET Web API, SignalR, Azure

DescriptionUnlike predecessor, the second version is a Real-time Single Page Application. Razor engine was completely replaced by KnockoutJS, SignalR gave real-time web functionality and REST API server was completely rewritten.


Points 2.0

Azure Storage Migrator

TypeWinForms Application

TechnologiesAzure Storage

DescriptionIt is strange that azure developers have not implemented the ability to copy one storage to another, I had to write my own version.



Diabetes Controller

CustomerClinic of eye diseases SSMU V.I.Razumovskogo

TypeWinForms Application

TechnologiesDevExpress, Access Database

DescriptionThe program tracks the performance of medical records of patients with diabetes, and alerts doctors in case of danger.

P.S. These old sheets contain only some of my projects. My main interest: Web Applications. You can contact me and discuss idea of your app on skype: codeeguy, or by mail: codeeguy@gmail.com.